Tag: Kurt Vonnegut

Science Fiction and Paranormal Fantasy with a Noir Twist

The Time Traveler’s Wife–A Review

I recently listened to the audio version of Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife. The book was on my radar for a long time: some of my own readers saw parallels between Niffenegger’s handling of a relationship interrupted by time travel and my own Take Back Tomorrow, so I kept hearing about the book, but…
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November 2, 2014 1

My Favorite Bookstores

Given the choice between a neat bookstore with all the shelves perfectly arranged and a disordered bookstore where the books are stacked 2 deep on the shelves, I’ll take the messy store any day. Of course, I’m talking about used bookstores here. Any new bookstore that’s a complete mess wouldn’t be worth my time. But…
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July 9, 2013 7

Why I Write Science Fiction

First off, let me say I’m sticking with the general term science fiction even though some of the things I write fall more accurately under the heading speculative fiction. Whatever. SF is generally the better known term, so I’ll stick with that for now. Let me also say that I didn’t always write science fiction.…
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June 18, 2013 3