Tag: Eye in the Sky

Science Fiction and Paranormal Fantasy with a Noir Twist

Tarzan and the City of Gold: My Gateway Book

I must have been about eight years old. Our neighbor, a grandmotherly type whose children had all grown up, was cleaning out her garage and brought over a box of books, mostly Whitman Classics hardcovers. I could have them if I wanted them, she told me. I wasn’t a big reader at eight, but it…
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June 21, 2014 0

Why I Write Science Fiction

First off, let me say I’m sticking with the general term science fiction even though some of the things I write fall more accurately under the heading speculative fiction. Whatever. SF is generally the better known term, so I’ll stick with that for now. Let me also say that I didn’t always write science fiction.…
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June 18, 2013 3