Richard Levesque

Science Fiction and Paranormal Fantasy with a Noir Twist

New Short Story Anthology–All These Shiny Worlds

February 2, 2016 Fantasy Free Book Giveaway Indie Publishing Science Fiction 0

Just in case you can’t stand the wait until February 4th when The Somniscient releases in e-book format, I’ve got a treat for you–the release of  All These Shiny Worlds, the first Immerse or Die short story anthology.


If you’re familiar with Immerse or Die, then you know that the book’s editor, Jefferson Smith, doesn’t put up with lousy books written by indie writers. Poor editing, sloppy character development, plot inconsistencies…those are things that pull readers out of a story, and the books that survive Immerse or Die aren’t plagued with those problems. Instead, you get compelling narratives that can stand up against the best books that the traditional publishing world has to offer.

Now, for the first time 15 indie authors have contributed short stories to the same kind of scrutiny, and the result is a collection of 15 science fiction and fantasy stories that will keep you turning the pages without fail.

I’m pleased to say that my short story, “Rolling the Bones,” made the cut, and this anthology is the only place where you’ll be able to read it.

What’s more, this collection is being offered for FREE on Amazon. Grab your copy now and enjoy some groundbreaking SF/F.

And don’t forget that you can still grab 9 full-length novels from Immerse or Die Survivors at Story Bundle, where you name your price and get the books for an amazing bargain. That sale is only going on for another two days, so don’t wait too long.Book-Gallery

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